Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere
Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao
- Te Kere Ngātaierua
The bird that partakes of the miro berry, the forest is theirs
The bird that partakes of knowledge, the world is their oyster
Applications for Honeywell are now closed.
We are excited to announce that we've partnered with Honeywell International, Inc. on a second international trip for 2024!
Five Year 13 tauira will have the opportunity to attend a science-oriented leadership experience alongside students from around the world.
Run in collaboration with the U.S Space and Rocket Center, this scholarship programme is designed to encourage senior high school students to pursue STEM careers through real-world, hands-on activities in computer science, engineering, astronautics and coding.
Applications for Nōku Te Ao - HLCA open Friday 23 August and close on Sunday 1 September. This is a rare opportunity and one not to be ignored so give it your best shot and apply here!!
Applications for positions on our Silicon Valley trip are now closed. 12 Year 13 students and 3 tertiary students will be selected to attend the trip.
There was a large number of applications that will go through a robust selection process. We thank all of those who took the time to share their aspirations with us as part of the application process.
Our successful applicants will soon embark on the experience of a life-time connecting with global STEM leaders at the likes of Google.