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Pūhoro partners with Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui to expand into new rohe.

4 June, 2024

A new partnership with Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui has enabled Pūhoro to expand its Te Urunga Tū (high school phase) kaupapa into the new region of Whanganui.

A new partnership with Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui has enabled Pūhoro to expand its Te Urunga Tū (high school phase) kaupapa into the new region of Whanganui. The expansion will see Pūhoro work with more than 80 rangatahi Māori across 6 high schools, delivering targeted STEM support through in-school sessions, termly wānanga and networking and mentoring opportunities.

This partnership will enable Pūhoro to work closely with the iwi to ensure the delivery model is relevant to Te Awa Tupua. Te Whawhaki, the development arm of Ngā Tangata Tiaki o Whanganui, is working with Pūhoro to create opportunities for rangatahi to explore the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  

The partnership and expansion were officially announced on Tuesday 28 May at Pūhoro’s Term 2 wānanga held at the Whanganui Conference & Events Centre.

“The manaaki we have received from Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui and the wider rohe has enabled us to hit the ground running. Thanks to their support, Pūhoro will be able to lift engagement and achievement in STEMM (extra M for mātauranga Māori)for Whanganui rangatahi, while nurturing their aspirations and connecting them to meaningful career pathways in STEMM.”

“We were excited to see how eager the local high schools, kaiako and tauira were to connect with our kaupapa. The high levels of engagement have reaffirmed our decision to expand into this region,” said Kemp Reweti – Pūhoro Manahautū.

Established in 2016 to improve Māori engagement in STEMM, Pūhoro fosters rangatahi achievement using mātauranga Māori and, through strategic partnerships, provides pathways into high value careers in the sector.

“Mātauranga is the unique attribute these rangatahi bring to STEM and it is important that they understand the inherent value this carries. Our responsibility as Pūhoro is to support their academic achievement in STEM and help them see the plethora of opportunities that exist in the STEMM eco-system,” said Kemp

As the sessions commenced, Ngā Tangata Tiaki o Whanganui Trustee Tamahaia Skinner opened the morning, setting the tone for a day of inspiration and empowerment. With conviction in his voice, Skinner reiterated the fundamental principle of guiding our rangatahi towards success. Emphasizing the need for exposure to new experiences, and the determination to seize every opportunity illuminated the path toward a future filled with promise and potential, not only for the rangatahi but their whānau, hapū and iwi. Tamahaia reiterated the role the STEM related subjects have in maintaining and strengthening the health and wellbeing of Te Awa Tupua.  In his words, “we must invest in the next generation, ensuring they are equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world.’

Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere. Ko te manu e kai ana i temātauranga nōna te ao.” Mō ētehi o ngā mokopuna a Te Kere Ngātaierua.

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